Tucker Payne, Wealth Advisor at Giesting Financial, grew up in Columbus. He and his twin brother played basketball, baseball and football growing up, and both played football at Columbus North High School, where their father was the dean. Fun fact: While playing football in high school, Tucker was coached by Thorn Murphy, who is a wealth advisor at Giesting.
After high school, Tucker attended Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana where he received a bachelor’s degree in economics. “It was an all-male college with around 800 students—very similar to living in a very large fraternity house. It really was a great experience, but the coursework was extremely hard. The professors were accessible and they knew who you were. If you skipped a class, they would call you on the phone and ask why you weren’t there,” Tucker says.
Tucker played football during his freshman and sophomore years, but due to knee problems which would have required another surgery on top of the two he had already had, he decided to stop playing sports and focus on his degree.
Tucker worked at an outlet mall at an Adidas store during college and developed a love for talking with people from all walks of life. After graduation, Tucker was chosen for an internship at Northwestern Mutual in Greenwood, Indiana. He obtained his life and health license and spent the entire summer of 2020—during the height of the pandemic—at his home office building up his own practice, calling clients, holding Zoom meetings and putting plans together.
Since joining Giesting in June of 2021, Tucker has been sitting in on meetings with clients, shadowing the firm’s wealth advisors in order to learn best practices. He studied for–and recently passed–his Series 65 exam which qualifies him as a fee-based financial fiduciary. “I really enjoy helping people, and working with them to help them get what they most want in life,” Tucker says.
In his free time, Tucker enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching sports, working out and playing golf and basketball.